Plympton Gardeners Association

September Newsletter

Next Meeting – Thursday 5th September

The talk on Thursday is “Alpines of all Sizes” delivered by David Carter of Long Ash Garden Centre near
Yelverton. The meeting starts at 7.30pm with doors opening at 7.00pm. Enjoy free tea and coffee during the
mid-session break, buy raffle tickets with a chance to win a quality prize and enter your exhibits in the
informal competition (categories are: fruit and veg; plants and flowers; craft).

Heaviest Onion Competition
The grand weigh-in will be next month.

Summer Show
The 75th annual show was a great success thanks in no small measure to the hard work and total
commitment of Paul Hutchings, Show Secretary. Paul is very mindful and grateful of the help he receives
from many club members - see his report in the associated pdf.

Spring Show 2025
Although the Spring Show is not until Saturday 15th March 2025, we are pleased to give advanced notice of
the categories in the Photography and Floral Art classes. This, we hope, will give members time to plan their

Photography Classes
Colours of Autumn
Spring Flowers
Alive and having fun
My Favourite Photo

Floral Art

Ways with Wood
Into Summer
Fairy Tale

Community Council Coffee Bar

We are once again running the coffee bar during week commencing Monday 11th November. Anyone that
can lend a hand during that week – please see Lloyd Hills. (07579 767124). We would welcome any
donations of tinned corned beef and tinned tuna for sandwiches and any other small store cupboard items
for the tombola. Please bring any contributions to the meetings in either September, October, or November.

Christmas Wreathes

Our dedicated band of volunteers will once again be making wreathes for sale, leading up to Christmas. They
would appreciate it if anyone can help by saving dried seed heads e.g. poppy, teasel, honesty etc. now that
the plants are dying back. Please see Carol (07598 954273) or Chris (01752 344048) for more information.

Knitted and Crotched Poppies
A few of our ladies are members of the Plympton St Maurice W.I. they are planning an ambitious project to
decorate the planters in Ridgeway in November. If anyone would care to help by knitting or crocheting a
poppy or two, then please contact Bernice. 07712 333766

2024 Annual Show – Saturday 17th August

The 2024 Annual Show was another fine example of Plympton Gardener’s Show Team working
and its ability to support each other regardless of experience.
As Show Secretary it is exciting to see the show be set-up, be judged, shown to the public and
closed then packed away with less and less instruction or guidance from me. The various
individuals undertaking many necessary activities, helping new members or members changing
roles, and moving through the whole show process are a credit to the PGA Show Team.
Keep this up and soon I will be bringing an arm chair to be able to sit back and watch.

The quality of exhibits is becoming greater with each show. I have the judges saying to me their
job is more challenging each year as there is less to choose between exhibits. The judges call and
talk to me after the shows with suggestions and tips but the chats are becoming shorter and we
talk about how our ideas are shared with other shows.

I believe the Presentation Display book and the issue of certificates is being received well by those
exhibitors that are winning the various trophies we used to award annually. The Juniors are
coming back and bringing their parents and grandparents too.
There may be subtle changes to some classes but overall, the classes will stay for future shows.
The photography and Floral Art “Titles” will change and the handicraft section specifics may be
improved. Other than that, I am open to suggestions from the membership.

There were encouraging comments to me and others from the public that visited the show. I
believe that our show is seen as a friendly, welcoming show which draws in visitors, more with
each show.
To all those who helped, to those who baked cakes, who donated tombola prizes and plants for
our stalls. To all who exhibited, judged, and viewed thank you from the whole of Plympton
Gardeners for making our shows what they are.
Our sponsors stepped up again and thank you to them, without them it would be difficult to cover
the cost of the shows
43 Exhibitors
450 exhibits
10 Non-Members with four “First Timers”
All Sections either the same as last year or up on last year regarding exhibits. Quality of exhibits
Handicraft was the same as last year so please if you are making something and it is not in a class let me know.

Thank you to all who helped.

PGA President Terri Beer presenting prizes to some of the winners in the 2024 Annual Show

With apologies to those with missing heads! If you would like a copy of your photo, complete with head, please let Chris Bishop know.

August 2024 Newsletter Regular Monthly Meeting

 The next meeting is on Thursday 1 st August, 7.30pm at Harewood House. Sue Minter is the guest speaker talking about the Healing Garden. Free tea and coffee, sales/swap table, raffle and informal competition – don’t let the weather put you off entering your fruit/veg and plants/flower exhibits – the weather is forecasted to be good for next week. Doors open at 7.00pm

 Annual Show

Our 75th Annual Show is upon us on Saturday 17th August. For the show to be as successful as previous years we need a great team and support from our membership. If you have not been involved before but feel you could help in some way, below are a list of items and tasks we need help with. Friday afternoon the setting up begins at about 3:30 - 4:00, as soon as the caretaker can let us have the room. Help setting out the tables and various class locations is always appreciated. Stay as long as you like to see the exhibits staged and we close at 8:00pm on Friday. Saturday, the busy day, we need help with stewards and helpers to support the judging and admin. we need a bit of help with the catering and once the show is open, we need help with the stalls and refreshments. If you are not able to come along maybe you could donate a cake or donate items for the Tombola. Simple cupboard items are popular and makes the Tombola appealing. If you are able to help, please bring items along to Thursday’s meeting. The doors open at 1.30 and everyone is welcome. At the end of the afternoon, the more help we have with clearing up after the show makes light work after a long day. If you are interested and want to volunteer, know more, or just donate a prize please speak to Paul (for the new members, good looking bloke, bald head, white beard!!) or give me a ring, 07974 406179 If you are unsure of what, if anything, to enter the show classes are reproduced below along with the entry form. We would encourage as many people as possible to enter. Many members, inexperienced in exhibiting, did tremendously well last year and surprised themselves with what they achieved. We believe in helping people to exhibit by offering advice and assistance rather than putting barriers in the way. So why not give it a go

 Coffee Bar

The coffee bar held earlier in the month was very successful making a profit of over £600. Many thanks to those who supported the coffee bar especially those members who helped make it a great success and to Lloyd for his excellent organisation.

 Taunton Flower Show – FRIDAY 2ND AUGUST

There are still places available for the visit to this great show. It’s only £30 which includes coach and entry. Local pickups at Plymstock, Plympton and Ivybridge. Even if you can’t make it, tell your friends – the trip is open to all. The weather forecast is good and the show is held in central Taunton so it’s possible to pop into the town centre as well. Please contact Phil 07892 623991 for more information. 


We will have a few seed catalogues form Suttons and Dobies in a couple of months’ time. For those that can’t wait, Otter nurseries currently have up to 60% off on their seed range – but be careful to check the sow-by dates.



 Class 01 3 Potatoes, white, of any shape.

 02 3 Potatoes, coloured, of any shape. 

03 Combination Potatoes – 3 White & 3 Coloured, any shape

 04 3 Onions, exhibition - over 250gm, trimmed and tied.

 05 3 Onions - 250gm or less, trimmed and tied.

 06 10 Shallots,exhibition, tied. 

07 12 Shallots pickling, tied. (able to pass through 30mm ring)

 08 Combination Onions – 2 over 250g, 2 under 250g, 5 exhibition Shallots

 09 3 Garlic Bulbs with dried stem of at least 25mm (Not elephant or giant garlic)

 10 2 Leeks 

11 2 Parsnips, tops trimmed to approx 75mm.

 12 3 Carrots, long pointed cultivar, tops trimmed to approx 75mm. 

13 3 Carrots, other than long pointed, tops trimmed to approx 75mm. 

14 2 Beetroot, globe or cylindrical, tops trimmed to approx 75mm.

 15 Combination Roots – 2 varieties of above, quantities as above 

16 6 Runner Beans - stalks attached.

 17 6 Dwarf Beans - stalks attached.

 18 6 Pods of Peas, stalk attached.

 19 5 Tomatoes, ordinary cultivars. (60mm diameter - approx)

 20 3 Tomatoes, large fruited “Beefsteak“ cultivars. (75mm diameter minimum)

 21 9 Tomatoes, small fruited, “Cherry“ cultivars. (35mm diameter – or under)

 22 5 Non-Red Tomatoes, cherry/plum cultivars (Not Green) 

23 1 Truss, any variety, no fruits missing

 24 A pair of Cucumbers, grown under glass.

 25 3 Capsicums – Sweet or Bell Peppers, any colour (not chilli peppers) 

 26 A pair of Vegetable squashes, max. 38 cm long or 50 cm round (Not courgettes)

. 27 2 Sweetcorn.

 28 3 Stalks of Rhubarb, natural, leaf blades trimmed to 75mm.

 29 A pair of vegetables not mentioned in the schedule

. 30 “My Herb Garden” – at least 5 different Culinary Herbs (named) displayed attractively and imaginatively for best visual effect 30cm wide x 30cm deep.

 31 Novelty class, the most unusual shaped vegetable. (Winner only, no points)

 32 1 Longest Runner Bean. (Winner only, no points)

 33 Heaviest three potatoes, weighed together (Winner only, no points)

 34 A collection of 6 different vegetables. (table width x 18”)

 35 NVS Plaque Collection of Vegetables, 5 kinds in a max space 600mm x Table depth. Not less than 2 of each kind. (No points) 

40 4 Dessert apples

. 41 4 Culinary Apples.

 42 1 Dish of 12 Blackberries, shown with stalks.

 43 4 Pears.

 44 1 Dish of 5 Stone Fruits, one cultivar. (Plum, Cherry, etc.)

 45 1 Melon 

 46 1 Dish of 12 soft fruit (not blackberries) shown with stalks

 47 1 punnet, bowl, dish, Currants, Blueberries, hybrids (e.g. Jostaberry, etc.) not less than 115g and not more than 180g, 1 variety only

 48 Any other fruit, please request quantity when entering 

49 Basket of Fruit, collection of at least 3 kinds to be displayed attractively in a basket


 Class 50 1 vase Sweet Peas, mixed colours. 12 stems

 51 1 vase Sweet Peas, one colour. 6 stems

 52 1 vase Sweet Peas, mixed colours. 6 stems

 53 1 vase Gladioli, large grandiflora, one colour. 3 stems

 54 1 vase Gladioli, large grandiflora, mixed colours. 3 stems

 55 1 vase Gladioli, miniature, any colour(s). 3 stems

 58 1 vase Roses, large flowered, one colour. 3 blooms

 59 1 vase Roses, large flowered, mixed colours. 3 blooms

 62 1 vase Roses, cluster, mixed colours. 3 stems

 63 1 vase Antirrhinums, any cultivar(s). 3 stems

 66 1 vase Asters, single, any colour(s). 5 stems 

67 1 vase Carnations, any cultivar(s). 5 stems

 68 1 vase Hydrangeas, any colour(s). 3 heads

 69 1 vase Marigolds, any cultivar(s). 5 stems

 70 1 vase Penstemon 5 stems

 71 1 vase Annuals, not listed above, one cultivar. 5 stems

 72 1 vase Perennials, not listed above, one cultivar. 5 stems

 73 A selection of grasses 1 vase arranged for effect.

 74 6 Pansies on a board, 10" x 8".

 75 6 Fuchsia heads, single, on a board, 10" x 8"

 76 6 Fuchsia heads, double, on a board, 10" x 8"

 79 3 vases, (A Collection) one cultivar in each vase, three different varieties. The quantities of stems required in each vase are as shown in classes above. Please Note: If Blooms are large and could topple over, please use three separate vases tied with a piece of twine, i.e. Hydrangeas, etc.

 POT PLANTS 80 1 Foliage plant or Fern, maximum pot size 8"

 81 1 Flowering plant, not in schedule, maximum pot size 8"

 82 1 Fuchsia, bush or shrub, maximum pot size 12"

 83 1 Pelargonium/Geranium, maximum pot size 8"

 84 1 A dish display of Succulents max 8” dish

 85 1 Succulent, maximum pot size 8"

 86 1 Cacti, maximum pot size 8" 

87 1 Plant, maximum pot size 8" – Members only

 88 1 Speciman Begonia, double, tuberous rooted, maximum pot size 12" Please Note: The maximum size of pot is either 8” (200mm) or 12” (300mm) and the plant in the pot must not be more than 450 – 600mm diameter at any point. (This covers the number of exhibits for available space reasons). Please contact show secretary if you feel slightly larger could be considered.


95 3 vases Giant, Large or Large Cactus Decorative. 1 bloom per vase

 96 1 vase Medium Decorative. 3 blooms

 97 1 vase Small Decorative. 3 blooms

 98 1 vase Miniature Decorative. 3 blooms

 99 1 vase Collarette 3 blooms

 100 1 vase Medium Cactus and/or semi-cactus 3 blooms

 101 1 vase Small Cactus and/or Semi-Cactus. 3 blooms 

102 1 vase Small Ball. 3 blooms

 103 1 vase Miniature Ball 3 blooms

 104 1 vase Pompon. 5 blooms

 105 1 vase Any other variety. 3 blooms

 109 1 basket arranged for effect maximum 9 blooms 110 Collection – 3 Vases of Dahlias, choose any 3 from those following; 1 vase, 3 blooms, large decorative / large semi-cactus 1 vase, 3 blooms, medium decorative 1 vase, 3 blooms, medium cactus/semi cactus 1 vase, 3 blooms, small decorative 1 vase, 3 blooms, small cactus/semi cactus 1 vase, 3 blooms, small ball 1 vase, 3 miniatures, cactus/semi cactus and or ball or decorative 1 vase, 5 pompon


 (Items not previously exhibited) Textile Art Classes Entries to be created with any combination of textiles, threads, fibre, yarn, paint, dye, beads and other textile embellishments.

 Class 115 An embellished wall hanging inspired by gardening work or produce max. size 20” x 14” (can be folded to this size)

 116 A 3D decorative heart

 117 An embellished box Quilting

 118 A quilted Bag

 119 A quilted table mat Embroidery

 120 One Embroidery exhibit - max. size 20” x 14” (can be folded to this size)

 121 An embroidered needle case Knitting & Crochet 

122 One Crochet exhibit (not to include knitting or other work) max. size 20” x 14” (can be folded to this size)

 123 A baby garment

 124 One Miscellaneous exhibit - hand knitted max. size 20” x 14” (can be folded to this size) Art Work

 125 One Painting - oil, acrilic or watercolour - max. 20" x 14" including frame.

 126 A drawing in pencil or ink – max size A4 Other

 127 One Card making exhibit

 128 A piece of sugar craft / paste. (not a cake)

 129 A decorated flower pot using any technique 130*

 Any other exhibit not mentioned above. Please contact show secretary prior to submitting entry regarding size of exhibit as space is limited *Note: Class 130 - Please state agreed size on entry form

 PHOTOGRAPHY Photographs may be mounted on card (max. size of photo 7” x 5”. Maximum with card mount 8” x6”) Photographs may be attached to display board.

 134 Photography - “Plymouth at its Best”

 135 Photography - “Full of flowers (or Veg)” Still life with flowers or vegetables

 136 Photography – “Furry Friends” dogs, cats, rabbits even spiders if you are that way inclined. Make the judges smile

 137 Photography – “Monochrome” experiment with black and white using imagination and creativity

 138 Photography – “Puddles”


141 “Abundance” - An exhibit using Dried and Fresh material with Natural material and No Accessories. Space 18"/45cm by 18”/45cm- ht unlimited

 142 “Leaf it to me” - An exhibit using Fresh material and excluding flowers with natural accessories only. 9”/23cm x 9”/23cm – ht unlimited 143 “PEEK-A-BOO” - A miniature arrangement using dried or fresh plant material.No Accessories. Space – 4”/10cm x 4”/10cm x 6”/15cm high


 All jars should clean, be dated, and exhibited with plain lids or waxed disc and cellophane. In the interests of safety and hygiene exhibitors are asked to provide a CLINGFILM or clear bag as covering for all entries in the cookery section. Max. plate size for all cookery classes is 10” Jars clearly labeled with type and date made.

 150 One jar Jelly - home made since last years show

 151 One jar Raspberry jam - home made since last years show

 152 One jar Strawberry jam - home made since last years show 

153 One jar Any other jam - home made since last years show

 154 One jar Fruit curd – less than 4 weeks old, sealed with a wax disc and cellophane 

155 One jar Marmalade - home made since last years show

 156 One jar Pickle – home made at least 2 months old with vinegar-resistant twist lid

 157 One jar Chutney - home made at least 2 months old with vinegar-resistant twist lid Please Note: Non-compliant lid type or not within date will not be judged

 161 One Loaf of Bread (not machine made) Please state type and/or flavour on simple label

 162 Three Sun-dried tomato bread rolls

 163 Four Cup Cakes - decorated

 164 One Fruit Flan (Sponge type and labelled)

 165 Four Rock Cakes

 166 One Jam Swiss Roll made by the whisking method

 167 Six Shortbread Fingers

 168 One Victoria Sandwich (3 eggs mix, raspberry jam & light dressing of castor sugar) 7” diameter max

 169 One Fruit Cake (using the recipe on page 17)

 170 One Apple Pie - pastry top and bottom

 171 Five Cheese Scones (Cutter 6cm)

 172 Two Savoury Muffins - Please state type and/or flavour on simple label

 173 One Pasty - home made Maximum size to fit within a 10” plate

 174 One Savoury Tart - quiche type (Labelled


 Age - 4 up to 6 years

 189 A miniature garden - natural vegetation - in a standard seed tray

 190 Decorate a pebble, tree themed

 191 An Arrangement of Flowers and foliage in a decorated tin can

 192 A HEDGEHOG made predominantly from any natural plant material. Vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fircones, etc. can be used. Some extra craft items can be used to enhance your exhibit. NOT to be painted. NO pasta 

Age – From 7 up to 10 years

 193 Decorate and present a pebble, OCEAN themed, can have accessories for display

 194 Something I made for school during last school year (Sept 2023 – July 2024)

 195 A drawing or painting – A Landscape 

196 A Lego Garden made from Lego type bricks and Lego items

 197 Making and Writing (Both age groups) Make and decorate a Rocket then write out the poem below and display rocket and poem together

 I was once a tube in a toilet roll

I had a job and I did it well

Now I’m a rocket to the stars

Flying to the moon, beyond and mars

An empty box becomes a car

An ice cream carton: a jewellery box

A pair of jeans: a shopping bag

A piece of wood for a garden swing

Reuse and recycle is the way to go

Making best use of the things that we have

We cannot keep digging things out of the ground

Let’s use more of what’s lying around

Another sunny day and another beautiful garden. Members enjoyed a trip to Hestercombe with thanks due to Phil for organising.


Some PGA members enjoyed a delicious cream tea in  the lovely  garden belonging to Andrea Leverett & her husband. The sun shone too, which was a bonus.

June 2024 Newsletter

June Meeting Our next meeting is on Thursday 6th June, commencing at 7.30 (Doors open from 7.00pm). The venue is, as ever, Harewood House, Plympton. Our guest speaker this month is Stella Exley, RHS Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medalist, talking on Perennials. Stella replaces the planned speaker who, unfortunately, has had to retire due to advancing years. There will be free tea and coffee as usual, plus the sales/swaps/donations table, and the informal competition (for newer members – see below for more details). Also, please see below regarding the Coffee Bar week.

 May Fair We wish to thank those members who helped at the Community Council May Fair. We are especially grateful to those members who donated and delivered plants to our stall and also to the volunteers who manned the stall. The rota system seemed to work quite well and meant the members could do a reasonable stint without over doing it! The day raised £262, very similar to last year’s total. 

Hestercombe Visit There are still places available for the visit to this wonderful garden in rural Somerset (not too far from Taunton!). The trip is on Wednesday 19th June. There are pick-up points at Plymstock 9.00am; Plympton 9.15am and Ivybridge 9.30am. (Leaving Hestercombe at 4.00pm). The cost is £30 and the trip is open non-members. If you haven’t paid yet, please do so at the meeting on Thursday, or by contacting me – Phil Warren 07892 623991

 Yelverton Garden Visit Members are invited to attend this visit on Wednesday 12th June, to the garden of one of our members, Andrea Leverett who lives next door to the Long Ash Garden Centre in Yelverton. The event is being run to support this year’s charity – Plympton Community First Responders. There will be a cream tea included in the price of £5 per person. There will also be a collection box on the day in aid of the charity. If you wish to attend you will need to pay the £5 in cash at Thursday’s meeting. There is a limit of 30 people; if there is a high demand Andrea is prepared to run another event later in the summer. There is parking available very close by and members are asked to put a folding chair or two in the boot of their car in case needed. Members will have to make their own travel arrangements and seek a lift where necessary. 

Coffee Bar – a note from Lloyd Just a quick reminder that Plympton Gardeners are running the Harewood House Coffee bar week commencing Monday 8th July. If you can help serving coffees, making sandwiches, or selling tombola tickets on any day that week, we would be delighted to see you. We also welcome any bakes for us to sell that week. If you can't assist at the coffee bar itself then we are grateful for donations of tins of Corned Beef and Tuna, jars of pickle and mayonnaise and packets of biscuits and crisps. We also welcome jars of coffee, teabags, sugar and sweeteners. At our next meetings on Thursday 6th June and Thursday 4th July there will be a box for donations available and lists to sign up to help at the bar and to bake an item. I'll also be available to answer any questions you may have. We will also have a box for bric a brac and tombola donations. The coffee bar raises a lot of money for the Gardeners and our charity so any support you can give it is greatly appreciated. Lloyd Hills

 Summer Show Preparations for the Summer Show, on Saturday 17th August, are well in hand thanks to the hard work of Paul Hutchings. Show day is one of the highlights of our year and is always worth being involved in, either as a participant or a spectator. It’s a great occasion for catching up with friends and chatting to other like-minded gardener folk.

 Plymouth Garden Centre Plants You may remember that earlier in the year, we were advised that we were one of sixty local community organisations to be awarded a garden package from Plymouth Garden Centre. We collected the package, consisting of plants, seeds and compost, earlier in the month. It was decided to use the plants and compost in the planters on Ridgeway that are maintained by our chairman, John Gilding, on behalf of Plympton Gardeners. Also, during the past month, we have had agreement from Patrick Nicholson for us to take over the maintenance of the 4 tree planters, as he wishes it to be a community-led project. If anyone wishes to become involved in this new responsibility then please speak to John or Phil.

 Lamb Feast A reminder that the Plympton St Maurice Lamb feast is being held on Saturday 15th June on Castle Green. We are, once again, going to run a plant stall and we would be grateful for any donations of plants for the stall. We will be setting up from 9.00am so please bring anything you can spare, or have grown, after that time. It gets vey busy around the green so parking can be an issue. Please speak to one of the committee if you require assistance on delivering plants. Any volunteers to man the stall would also be welcomed. If you have not been before it’s definitely worth a visit.

 For Sale Paper flower pot press. One available for sale at Wednesday’s meeting. Why not make your own little paper plant pots with this clever little press. Easy to do and environmentally friendly only £5; much more expensive on the internet. We can take orders for anyone interested. Have a look on YouTube – search for Paper Pot Maker Instructions Free to a good home McCulloch Shredder 450C – weight 28kg. Contact Phil Armson 01752 791373, Buyer collects Trading Hut The Trading Hut in Stoggy Lane will be open on Sunday from 10.00am to 11.30am. This is the last opening for the summer but members can still request items by contacting Phil or by purchasing at the monthly meetings.

 Informal Competition - for information The purpose of this event each month is to provide an opportunity for members to display/exhibit things they have grown or made, for the interest and enjoyment of other members. It doesn’t have to be a brilliant specimen but just something that you’re proud of and has given you that sense of achievement. Or, it might be a mis-shaped vegetable or a freakily coloured flower for example. All entries are displayed anonymously. The intention is that it should stimulate discussion and help members to learn from the skill and experience of others. We would like as many members as possible to take part. In order to add a little interest during the evening, exhibits are assessed by follow members, with a small prize for each category.


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