Plympton Gardeners Association

Another sunny day and another beautiful garden. Members enjoyed a trip to Hestercombe with thanks due to Phil for organising.


Some PGA members enjoyed a delicious cream tea in  the lovely  garden belonging to Andrea Leverett & her husband. The sun shone too, which was a bonus.

June 2024 Newsletter

June Meeting Our next meeting is on Thursday 6th June, commencing at 7.30 (Doors open from 7.00pm). The venue is, as ever, Harewood House, Plympton. Our guest speaker this month is Stella Exley, RHS Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medalist, talking on Perennials. Stella replaces the planned speaker who, unfortunately, has had to retire due to advancing years. There will be free tea and coffee as usual, plus the sales/swaps/donations table, and the informal competition (for newer members – see below for more details). Also, please see below regarding the Coffee Bar week.

 May Fair We wish to thank those members who helped at the Community Council May Fair. We are especially grateful to those members who donated and delivered plants to our stall and also to the volunteers who manned the stall. The rota system seemed to work quite well and meant the members could do a reasonable stint without over doing it! The day raised £262, very similar to last year’s total. 

Hestercombe Visit There are still places available for the visit to this wonderful garden in rural Somerset (not too far from Taunton!). The trip is on Wednesday 19th June. There are pick-up points at Plymstock 9.00am; Plympton 9.15am and Ivybridge 9.30am. (Leaving Hestercombe at 4.00pm). The cost is £30 and the trip is open non-members. If you haven’t paid yet, please do so at the meeting on Thursday, or by contacting me – Phil Warren 07892 623991

 Yelverton Garden Visit Members are invited to attend this visit on Wednesday 12th June, to the garden of one of our members, Andrea Leverett who lives next door to the Long Ash Garden Centre in Yelverton. The event is being run to support this year’s charity – Plympton Community First Responders. There will be a cream tea included in the price of £5 per person. There will also be a collection box on the day in aid of the charity. If you wish to attend you will need to pay the £5 in cash at Thursday’s meeting. There is a limit of 30 people; if there is a high demand Andrea is prepared to run another event later in the summer. There is parking available very close by and members are asked to put a folding chair or two in the boot of their car in case needed. Members will have to make their own travel arrangements and seek a lift where necessary. 

Coffee Bar – a note from Lloyd Just a quick reminder that Plympton Gardeners are running the Harewood House Coffee bar week commencing Monday 8th July. If you can help serving coffees, making sandwiches, or selling tombola tickets on any day that week, we would be delighted to see you. We also welcome any bakes for us to sell that week. If you can't assist at the coffee bar itself then we are grateful for donations of tins of Corned Beef and Tuna, jars of pickle and mayonnaise and packets of biscuits and crisps. We also welcome jars of coffee, teabags, sugar and sweeteners. At our next meetings on Thursday 6th June and Thursday 4th July there will be a box for donations available and lists to sign up to help at the bar and to bake an item. I'll also be available to answer any questions you may have. We will also have a box for bric a brac and tombola donations. The coffee bar raises a lot of money for the Gardeners and our charity so any support you can give it is greatly appreciated. Lloyd Hills

 Summer Show Preparations for the Summer Show, on Saturday 17th August, are well in hand thanks to the hard work of Paul Hutchings. Show day is one of the highlights of our year and is always worth being involved in, either as a participant or a spectator. It’s a great occasion for catching up with friends and chatting to other like-minded gardener folk.

 Plymouth Garden Centre Plants You may remember that earlier in the year, we were advised that we were one of sixty local community organisations to be awarded a garden package from Plymouth Garden Centre. We collected the package, consisting of plants, seeds and compost, earlier in the month. It was decided to use the plants and compost in the planters on Ridgeway that are maintained by our chairman, John Gilding, on behalf of Plympton Gardeners. Also, during the past month, we have had agreement from Patrick Nicholson for us to take over the maintenance of the 4 tree planters, as he wishes it to be a community-led project. If anyone wishes to become involved in this new responsibility then please speak to John or Phil.

 Lamb Feast A reminder that the Plympton St Maurice Lamb feast is being held on Saturday 15th June on Castle Green. We are, once again, going to run a plant stall and we would be grateful for any donations of plants for the stall. We will be setting up from 9.00am so please bring anything you can spare, or have grown, after that time. It gets vey busy around the green so parking can be an issue. Please speak to one of the committee if you require assistance on delivering plants. Any volunteers to man the stall would also be welcomed. If you have not been before it’s definitely worth a visit.

 For Sale Paper flower pot press. One available for sale at Wednesday’s meeting. Why not make your own little paper plant pots with this clever little press. Easy to do and environmentally friendly only £5; much more expensive on the internet. We can take orders for anyone interested. Have a look on YouTube – search for Paper Pot Maker Instructions Free to a good home McCulloch Shredder 450C – weight 28kg. Contact Phil Armson 01752 791373, Buyer collects Trading Hut The Trading Hut in Stoggy Lane will be open on Sunday from 10.00am to 11.30am. This is the last opening for the summer but members can still request items by contacting Phil or by purchasing at the monthly meetings.

 Informal Competition - for information The purpose of this event each month is to provide an opportunity for members to display/exhibit things they have grown or made, for the interest and enjoyment of other members. It doesn’t have to be a brilliant specimen but just something that you’re proud of and has given you that sense of achievement. Or, it might be a mis-shaped vegetable or a freakily coloured flower for example. All entries are displayed anonymously. The intention is that it should stimulate discussion and help members to learn from the skill and experience of others. We would like as many members as possible to take part. In order to add a little interest during the evening, exhibits are assessed by follow members, with a small prize for each category.

Some PGA members enjoying the trip to Toby's gardening Festival at Powderham Castle. Thanks to Phil for organising.

May Newsletter

The next meeting is on Thursday 2nd May at our usual location of Harewood House. The meeting starts at 7.30pm;
doors are open from 7.00pm. The talk this month is “All about Hanging Baskets” by Brian Carlson. We will have
all the usual attractions plus the distribution of seedlings for the onion competition – see below.

Annual Onion Competition.
This is an informal competition for fun, held annually to see who can grow the heaviest onion. We provide the
onion seedling in a pot and it is then up to the member to grow it as they wish. The onions are brought to the
meeting in September for weighing and should be entered as shown i.e. skins and roots should be left in place
(earth/compost removed). The seedlings are of the same variety giving everyone an equal opportunity. There is
no charge for entering this competition. Please note - only onions that have been supplied by us at the meeting
can be entered, any other onions are not eligible.
Our thanks go Roy Rogers, Ray Dower and John Gilding for sowing the seeds and then cultivating the seedlings
through a difficult late winter/spring.
Forthcoming Dates
• Toby’s Garden Festival Trip – Friday 3rd May
• Plympton Community Council May Fayre – Saturday 11th May
• St Maurice Lamb Feast - Saturday 15th June
• Hestercombe Garden Trip – Wednesday 19th June
• Taunton Flower Show Trip – Friday 2nd August
• The Summer Show is to be held on Saturday 17th August.

Our trip to Powderham for Toby’s Garden Festival is only a few days away. There are still spaces if anyone wishes
to book at the last minute. (please contact me – Phil 07892 623991). For those members going on the trip, I will
send an email out (Tuesday/Wednesday) with further details, however please see the revised Pick-Up times:
Plymstock opposite the Library 8.30am}
Plympton Harewood House bus stop 8.45am} all times are approximate dependant on traffic
Ivybridge Townhall bus stop 9.00am}
Hestercombe Wednesday 19th June £30
This is a lovely garden just north of Taunton and well worth a visit. Historic House & Gardens - Hestercombe
Only our May and June meetings before we go. Book your place soon.
Taunton Flower Show Friday 2
nd August £30
Those that went last year thoroughly enjoyed the day. Always plenty going on.
(Contact Phil for more details)

May Fayre
The Plympton Community Council May Fayre is on Saturday 11th May, at Harewood House and Park. We will, as
usual, be holding a plant stall and we would be grateful for any plants you may have grown for the event or any
that you have going spare! Please bring them to Harewood from 8.15am onwards.
Folding Tables
We still have folding tables available for sale at £10. These are substantially built and fold away neatly for storing.
Annual Summer Show
Saturday 17th August is the date and Harewood House is the venue. Schedules will be available soon. 

April 2024 Newsletter

 Monthly Meeting

 For our April meeting (Thursday 4th) we welcome Gary Long, talking about Trewithen, Past and Present. All the usual bits and pieces – free tea and coffee, raffle, sales/swaps table, informal competition. 7.30pm start, doors 7.00pm.
 Spring Show 
Paul Hutchings report on the show: What a very pleasant surprise. Despite the weather, the winds, the heavy rain, and the painful hailstones ripping through flowers and foliage we had a very good display of Daffodils and Spring flowers. More exhibitors, many of them new faces and first timers than I expected. It was nice to see the cooperation between new and experienced exhibitors. These daffodils and flowers together with Domestic Science, Floral Art and Photography gave Plympton Gardeners another show to be proud of. From the set-up through to opening the show the support from members was great, many knew what needed doing and many soon picked up what to join in with. Having an Assistant Show Secretary, Debbie Swane, was an ease to “on the day” organisation and now we expand that to the work and setting up prior to the show. The show had 32 exhibitors with 14 showing daffodils, 21 showing Spring Flowers, and 21 exhibiting Floral Art, Domestic Sciences and Photography. We had 4 Junior entries and hope to increase that in the future. The 32 Exhibitors showed over 300 exhibits with Dr Clapton showing 56 exhibits, Launa Rogers showing 43 exhibits, and Lydia Ross showing 32 exhibits. Councillor Terri Beer, our President, opened the show and helped with the presentation. The certificates received good approval and feedback. There were 10 different winners of the various awards which is a very good spread. The weather on the day contributed to lower viewing numbers than we would normally have. It started raining about 9:00am and stopped just after the show finished!!!! As Show Secretary I was lucky enough to receive most of the compliments from members, the public and exhibitors regarding the quality of the show. I need to share those positive comments and feedback to all the members who helped us have such a successful Spring Show. Thank you to everyone for your support.

 Trips Details can be found at the end of the Newsletter.
As the trip to Powderham for Toby’s Garden Festival is now just over a month away, please make sure you secure your place by paying for the trip as soon as possible. There are only a dozen places left. If you do internet banking, please use the code TOBY (in the reference field). Alternatively, you can pay by cash/cheque at Thursday’s meeting. Members have priority for tickets until 23rd April, after which any spare places will be offered to members of other community associations locally.
 Bank details: Plympton Gardeners
 0093 0198 

As mentioned previously, the Trading Hut in Stoggy Lane will be open this coming Sunday (7Th April) from 10.00am – 11.30am. For those who have never been there before it is situated at the East end of Stoggy Lane, Plympton. Below are details of the stock we have available.

  PRICES - 2024 FISH, BLOOD & BONE 2kg £3.00 Bamboo Canes (price per cane) GROWMORE 2kg £2.50 8’ 80p very limited stock LAWN WEED & FEED 1.5kg £2.40 6’ 25p CHICKEN MANURE 1.5kg £1.80 5’ 20p SULPHATE OF POTASH 1.5kg £2.50 4’ 15p PERLITE 2 JUGS £1.20 3’ 10p VERMICULITE 2 JUGS £1.20 Green Pea Canes GRIT Small 1.5kg £0.70 3’ 10p Large 2.6kg £1.20 2’ 35p (for 10) HOOF & HORN 1.5kg £1.50* POTATO FERTILISER 2kg £4.40 SUPERPHOSPHATE 1.0kg £1.00* BONE MEAL 2.0kg £1.80p COMPOST MAKER 1.0kg £1.40p SUL. OF AMMONIA 2kg £1.30* 
The items above will be available at the meeting on Thursday The items below and canes are available from the Trading Hut. Items marked * are low demand so are available at a significantly reduced price.
 MOSS KILLER 1.0kg £0.60* GYPSUM 2.0kg £1.00* NITRO CHALK 2.0kg £0.40* LAWN SAND 2.0kg £2.00* JOHN INNES BASE 2.0kg £2.00* CALCIFIED SEAWEED 2kg £1.50* LIME 2.0kg £0.50* DRIED BLOOD 0.75kg £1.00* 
We endeavour to hold a stock of the more popular items, for sale on meeting evenings. Larger orders, or requests for less popular items are available at the Trading Hut at Stoggy or by arrangement contact: Phil 07892 623991 call or text Sue 07816 652854 call or text.

 Tables for Sale We have several folding tables that are no longer required and we are offering them for sale to members. These are substantial items and are fairly heavy – see photos below. They are generally in good condition but as they are quite old, they do come with signs of use. We hope to have an example available at the meeting on Thursday. They are for sale to existing members only at this stage (limited to 2 per member) at £10 each and will need to be collected from the hut at Stoggy, by arrangement. As there is limited parking at Stoggy we need to avoid too many cars showing up at the same time. Please ring, text, or email Phil if you are interested. 07892 623991

 Members Onion Competition For the information of new members this is an informal competition held annually to see who can grow the heaviest onion. We provide the onion seedling in a pot and it is then up to the member to grow it as they wish. The onions are brought to the meeting in September for weighing and should be entered as shown i.e. skins and roots should be left in place (earth/compost removed). The seedlings are of the same variety giving everyone an equal opportunity.

 Forthcoming Dates • Toby’s Garden Festival Trip – Friday 3rd May •
 Plympton Community Council May Fayre – Saturday 11th May •
 St Maurice Lamb Feast - Saturday 15th June •
 Hestercombe Garden Trip – Wednesday 19th June •
 Taunton Flower Show Trip – Friday 2nd August •
 The Summer Show is to be held on Saturday 17th August. Schedules will be available in the near future.

 TOBY’S GARDEN FESTIVAL POWDERHAM CASTLE, EXETER FRIDAY 3rd MAY OutwardDepart Plymstock 08.15 Plympton 09.00 Ivybridge 09.15 Return Depart Powderham 16.00 (4.00pm) Cost £25 Code if paying by bank transfer TOBY 
 HESTERCOMBE GARDENS NR TAUNTON WEDNESDAY 19th JUNE OutwardDepart Plymstock 09.00 Plympton 09.15 Ivybridge 09.30 Return Depart Hestercombe 16.00 (4.00pm) Cost £30 Code if paying by bank transfer HEST
 TAUNTON FLOWER SHOW FRIDAY 2nd AUGUST OutwardDepart Plymstock 08.00 Plympton 08.15 Ivybridge 08.30 Return Depart Taunton 16.00 (4.00pm)  Cost £30 Code if paying by bank transfer TFS
Spring Show 2024
The weather was gloomy on the day of the PGA Spring Show, but the colour & scent of the display of spring flowers at Harewood House lifted the gloom & cheered the many visitors. There were over 300 exhibitors and many new names amongst the prize winners. Sue Bone was delighted to receive both the Daffodil Trophy and the G.M. Hicks Trophy for her entries and triumphed with the award of the PGA Spring Trophy for the best exhibit in the show. Dr Keith Clapton received the Daffodil Society Bronze Medal for the Most Points awarded in the show for his entries & Lorna Rogers took the Daffodil Society Diploma as runner up. The award for the best exhibit in garden produce went to Judy Morse , Carol Penhallurick received the trophy for general flowers, Sally Luscombe produced some beautiful floral displays & won the Floral Art Trophy and Hilary Measom took the Spring Bakers Cup for her cookery exhibits. There were lots of imaginative & creative photography entries and the award for Best in Photography was presented to Lydia Ross. The children's competitions were tackled enthusiastically by Noah and Summer.
Paul Hutchings was this year's recipient of the Richard Bishop Memorial Trophy in recognition of all the work he has put into organising the Spring and Annual Shows for Plympton Gardeners over many years.
                                                                                                            Lorna Rogers was this year's winner of the annual members daffodil competition.

March News

March Meeting

The talk on Thursday (7th March) is Wild Flowers and their Environment, by Ron Smith. There will be no entry charge this month – see below. The Daffodil competition will also be judged – so don’t forget to bring your entry.

Free tea and coffee during the break, also, sales table, informal competition, raffle. Help with cups and plates collection, plus drying-of-dishes help, would also be appreciated.

                      Any special requests for Fertilisers etc please contact Phil (07892 623991) or Sue Bone (07816 652854)

Many thanks to those members who donated items for the last coffee bar and tombola table.

There is free entry this month because of the non-appearance, last month, of the speaker – Caradoc Doy. He did have the good grace to write and apologise and sent a £50 gift token as well. However, as it was the second time he has let us down we have decided not to invite him back again.

Spring Show – Saturday 16th March

The date is fast approaching and now is a good time to consider what you may be able to enter. The mild winter has done us no favours and many daff varieties have flowered early and may not be available for exhibiting, although there are many more categories you might consider entering.  

If you do not have a show schedule, please contact Paul Hutchings who will get one to you promptly.



If you have not yet renewed, you can do so at the next meeting or online - £5 per member.

Plympton Gardeners


0093 0198

Quote your surname in the reference field.


Plymouth (Crownhill) Garden Centre

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded a £60 Garden Package from the garden centre as part of their 60th anniversary celebrations. We are eagerly waiting to see what is included in the package and we will then  decide what we do with it! Many thanks to those members who took the trouble to support our nomination.


Trading Hut

The trading hut at Stoggy Lane will open on the following dates (the first Sundays of the month)

3rd March;           7th April;              5th May;               2nd Jun;                                 10.00 – 11.30am

Or by arrangement – call or text Phil 07892 623991

Please see the PGA website for more details of products sold.  Plympton Gardeners Association



Visit to Anthony Woodland Garden.
Plymstock U3A Garden Visiting Group will be visiting Anthony Woodland Garden (Torpoint) on Friday 22nd March at 11:00 am, and enjoying a 1.5 hour guided tour with the Head Gardener, Richard Squires, a recent speaker at PGA. There are some places available if any PGA members are interested.
The cost is £15 pp. Please note – this is not part of the National Trust estate at Antony.
Please speak to Chris Bishop at the PGA March meeting or contact her on 344048, or email


June Meeting Speaker

Unfortunately, our designated speaker is unable to attend due to ill health, which is a shame as I am sure it would have been a very interesting talk (45 years a seed and plantsman). Carol has, however, arranged a good substitute – Stella Exley with a talk on perennials. She is the Yorkshire lady who entertained us so well at the November meeting. Stella’s Nursery has 3 ‘Open Days’ (weekends) during the year so if you are able to get along it would be a good way of supporting her.

Sat & Sun 13th & 14th April;           8th & 9th June;       10th & 11th August         10.00 – 4.00pm

Hare Spring Cottage Plants, Mill House, Ford, Kingsbridge  TQ7 2LN            Stella mobile:  07792 376805

Please check before you travel as parking area is weather dependent. For more details see:

2024 EVENTS – Hare Spring Cottage Plants


PGA Summer Trips

We have 3 trips organised so far and a possible 4th later in the year. Details are shown below You can secure your place by paying for the trip/trips either online or at the monthly meetings.

If paying online the PGA bank details are:

Plympton Gardeners


0093 0198

Quote your surname and the appropriate trip CODE in the reference field



Outward          Depart             Plymstock        08.15

                                                Plympton         09.00

                                                Ivybridge         09.15

Return             Depart             Powderham     16.00 (4.00pm)


Cost     £25                  Code if paying by bank transfer                      TOBY




HESTERCOMBE GARDENS            NR TAUNTON                    WEDNESDAY 19th JUNE

Outward          Depart             Plymstock        09.00

                                                Plympton         09.15

                                                Ivybridge         09.30

Return             Depart             Hestercombe   16.00 (4.00pm)


Cost     £30                  Code if paying by bank transfer                      HEST




TAUNTON FLOWER SHOW                           FRIDAY 2nd AUGUST

Outward          Depart             Plymstock        08.00

                                                Plympton         08.15

                                                Ivybridge         08.30

Return             Depart             Taunton           16.00 (4.00pm)


Cost     £30                  Code if paying by bank transfer                      TFS

February’s Newsletter

Our regular meeting will commence directly after the AGM (which will hopefully be very short). The guest speaker this month is Caradoc Doy on “Plants Behaving Badly” – sounds intriguing! There will be the usual tea and coffee, raffle, sales table and informal competition. There will also be the opportunity to renew your membership (£5).

The committee would be grateful if you would return cups and plates to the servery to assist the volunteers in the kitchen – also if anyone would be kind enough to help with washing and drying, please see Lloyd or Jennifer.

Items on the Sales table will be pretty much the usual. However, if anyone has any special requests please get in touch. Phil (07892 623991) or Sue Bone (07816 652854)


Annual General Meeting

Election of Officers and committee.

 It was recognised that there was a need to streamline the committee and following discussion and agreement at the last committee meeting, it was agreed that a recommendation be submitted to the AGM for ratification. The proposed committee structure is shown in the attached link. Also shown are the names of the members currently occupying those positions along with some names of members who have indicated their willingness to join the committee. This does not prevent any other member from standing for these positions – they should contact the Chairman, John Gilding (07436 001882)  prior to the formal election of officers.

Also included in the link are some of the additional support roles which help the association to function smoothly. There are also details of the members who make up the Show committee.

Treasurer’s Annual Report

There are two links below containing the Balance Sheet and a Summary of Accounts


As a result of the proposed changes above, it has been necessary to make some alterations to the Constitution. At the same time some additional, minor, amendments have been made to update the Constitution. The proposed Constitution is shown in the link below.


Charity for 2024

There have been 6 charities nominated, by our members, for this year. They are shown in the link below, with a brief description. There will be a show-of-hands vote on the evening to determine who we support. It is possible that if it is a close thing we may decide to select more than one charity.

Spring Show – Saturday 16th March


Schedules for the Spring Show will be available for collection at Thursday’s meeting. Anyone not able to attend the meeting but would like a schedule, should contact Paul Hutchings who will ensure one is despatched promptly. Due to increased printing costs, we will not be distributing to all members as we have done previously.

If you require a schedule, please contact Paul on 07974 406179.


Tombola Donations

We would be grateful if members can bring along a small item for use on the tombola table. This could be a tin or jar of something from the store cupboard, or maybe an unwanted Christmas gift.


Coffee Bar

The coffee bar held in early January made over £590, including tombola and bric-a-brac takings. We are extremely grateful to Lloyd and Jennifer for their commitment throughout the week. We are also indebted to the many members who volunteered to man the coffee bar and make cakes. We would encourage more members to get involved and help where they can – even an odd hour’s help over the lunch period would allow the others to have a bit of a break. It can be very tiring work and some of our helpers are not as young as they used to be. Please contact, or see, Lloyd if you would like to help. A substantial part of the money raised goes towards our nominated charity/charities.

Lloyd Hills tel. 336313


Plymouth Garden Centre

“Here at Plymouth Garden Centre, we are celebrating our 60th anniversary this year and as part of these celebrations, we are donating £60 worth of gardening supplies to 60 different local communities. We have received a nomination for Plympton Gardeners Association to receive one of these gardening packages. The package will consist of compost, tools, flowers, seeds and everything needed to help create or expand upon a garden space.”

If you are agreeable and it is convenient, would you please email

indicating that you wish to support the nomination for Plympton Gardeners Assn. re 60th Anniversary celebrations.


If you have not yet renewed your membership, (and it’s only £5) please do so either at February’s meeting or online – details below.

Bank details

Name                    Plympton Gardeners

Sort Code            30-94-58

Account No.       00930198

Please include your surname in the reference field.


Trips for 2024

We are still finalising details for the coming year and will publish more details next month.

Phil Warren

On behalf of the PGA committee

Plympton Gardeners had a stall at the Community Council Christmas Fayre selling hand made wreaths and table centres. The wreaths sold out very quickly and some of the committee members who were running the stall had to set to and make more. After they had run out of bases orders were taken for later delivery. 40 wreaths were sold in total plus some table centres. The funds raised will kick start our charity for 2024. Many thanks to the wreath makers and to all the PGA members who donated material from their gardens. A great effort!
At the December Christmas social evening John & Carol presented a cheque for £1000 to Sarah Bradley from Plymouth Deaf Children's Society. The money had been raised by members during 2023 through running  the coffee bar at Harewood House, plant sales & the sale of Christmas wreaths.

Sarah explained that the money would be used to provide a range of enrichment experiences & activities for local children with hearing loss.

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